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In addition to the print version, the Journal of Explosives Engineering is distributed to ISEE members in an interactive digital version generating added value to your advertising dollars. Reach industry decision-makers directly through their inbox every other month.
Have your brand seen more than 77,000 times a year by more than 63,000 unique visitors, including explosives industry leaders and decision makers.
Focus your message with incredible precision by advertising in the ISEE Member Hub. This ISEE members-only benefit ensures your brand is seen by the explosives industry’s most active and invested leaders.
Explosive Industry News is a monthly eNewsletter that features the latest information impacting ISEE members, including industry news, association announcements, education information and more. Get your message directly delivered to the inbox of over 3,100 decision-makers on a regular basis.
ISEE Online Buyers Guide is a tool for ISEE members and industry professionals to search for products and services within the explosive industry. The site receives more than 3,000 page views per month and provides constant exposure for your brand.