Explore the Global ISEE Network

William Colvin

Colorado School of Mines Chapter President, Student Advisor

Email: wcolvin@mines.edu
Website:  https://www.mines.edu/

Stan Vitton

Michigan Tech Chapter Student Advisor

Phone: 906.487.2527
Email: vitton@mtu.edu
Website: http://www.mtu.edu/

Dr. Paul Worsey

Missouri University of Science and Technology Chapter Student Advisor

Phone: 573.341.4317
Email: pworsey@mst.edu
Website: http://www.mst.edu/

Drew Arneson

Missouri University of Science and Technology Chapter Chapter President

Phone: 314.488.7876
Email: arafk6@mst.edu

Scott Rosenthal, PhD, PE

Montana Technological University Chapter Student Advisor

Phone: (406) 496-4867
Email: srosenthal@mtech.edu
Website: https://www.mtech.edu/student-life/clubs/isee/index.html

Seokbin Lim

New Mexico Tech Chapter Student Advisor

Phone: 575.835.6589
Email: lim@nmt.edu
Website: http://www.nmt.edu/

Jeffery Kohler, PhD.

Penn State University Chapter Student Advisor

Phone: 814.865.9834
Email: jk9@psu.edu
Website: http://www.psu.edu/

Michael Eustis

Penn State University Chapter Chapter President

Phone: 814.380.2011
Email: mje5209@psu.edu
Website: http://www.psu.edu/

Purushotham Tukkaraja

South Dakota School of Mines and Technology Chapter Student Advisor

Phone: 605.430.4880
Email: PT@sdsmt.edu
Website: http://www.sdsmt.edu/

Andres Torres

South Dakota School of Mines and Technology Chapter Chapter President

Phone: 775.397.0562
Email: andrew.torres@mines.sdsmt.edu
Website: http://www.sdsmt.edu/

Kwangmin Kim

University of Arizona Chapter Student Advisor

Phone: 520.626.5977
Email: kimkm@email.arizona.edu
Website: http://www.arizona.edu/

Jhon Silva Castro

University of Kentucky Chapter Student Advisor

Phone: 859.257.1173
Email: jhon.silva@uky.edu
Website: http://www.uky.edu/

Audry Henson

University of Kentucky Chapter Chapter President

Email: audry.henson@uky.edu
Website: http://www.uky.edu/UKHome/

Seth Holzman

Virginia Tech Chapter Chapter President

Email: sethh18@vt.edu

Lexy Hartman

West Virginia University Chapter President

Email: ach0026@mix.wvu.edu
Website: https://mine.statler.wvu.edu/

Yi Luo

West Virginia University Student Advisor

Phone: 304.293.7680
Email: yi.luo@mail.wvu.edu
Website: http://www.mine.statler.wvu.edu/

Randy Jones

British Columbia Institute of Technology Chapter Student Advisor

Phone: 604.456.8125
Email: gheorghe_bonci@bcit.ca

Victoria Hughes

British Columbia Institute of Technology Chapter Chapter President

Phone: 502.475.7956
Email: vhughes0826@gmail.com

Tom Valdivia

Pontificia Universidad Catolica Del Peru Chapter Chapter President

Email: tom.valdivia@pucp.pe
Website: http://www.pucp.edu.pe/

Elmer Vidal

Pontificia Universidad Catolica Del Peru Chapter Student Advisor

Email: evidal7@gmail.com
Website: http://www.pucp.edu.pe/content/index.php

Juan Diego Vargas Estrada

Universidad Andina del Cusco Chapter President

Email: jdvaes51116@gmail.com

Luis Mendoza Quispe

Universidad Andina del Cusco Chapter Faculty Advisor

Email: lmendozaq@uandina.edu.pe

Xiomara Sandra Ashworth Apaza

Universidad Catolica de Santa Maria Chapter President

Phone: 51 9 5184 3555
Email: xiomi_a@yahoo.com

Marcelo Isidro Pacheco Arutaype

Universidad Catolica de Santa Maria Chapter Contact

Phone: 51 9 4119 0717
Email: berwarcelo@gmail.com

Marco Carhuaz

Faculty Sponsor Universidad Continental

Email: carhuazmarco@gmail.com

Eduardo Fernandez Huaman

Universidad del Centro del Peru Chapter President

Phone: 519 7963 8275
Email: edufernandez12345@gmail.com

Victor Alejandro Ames Lara

Universidad del Centro del Peru Faculty Advisor

Phone: 519 6666 9414
Email: vamesl01@hotmail.com

Enrique Munaretti

Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sul Chapter (UFRGS) Student Advisor

Phone: 55 51 3333 9108
Email: enrique@ufrgs.br

Bruno Hoeppers Schmidt

Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sul Chapter (UFRGS) Chapter President

Email: iseebrazilstu@gmail.com

Jhann Carlo Varillas Artica

Universidad Nacional De Ingenieria Chapter Chapter President

Phone: 511 997 190 881
Email: jvarillasa@uni.pe

Carlos Agreda, PhD

Universidad Nacional De Ingenieria Chapter Student Advisor

Phone: 511 999 53 2098
Email: drcarlosagreda@yahoo.ca

Jose Miguel Fernandez Mamani

Universidad Nacional de Moquegua Chapter President

Phone: 51 9 5394 9516
Email: josefernandeslv1920@gmail.com

Dante Raul Salazar Reyes

Universidad Nacional de Moquegua Student Advisor

Phone: 51 9 9605 0348
Email: danters7@hotmail.com

Julber Roly Arisaca Soncco

Universidad Nacional San Agustin de Arequipa Chapter President

Phone: 51 9 2947 7089
Email: isee.unsa.sc@gmail.com

Milagros Sabrinna Tuni Román

Universidad Nacional San Agustin de Arequipa Chapter Contact

Phone: 51 9 5974 1165
Email: mtunir@unsa.edu.pe

Medina Lovón Rajiv Hipolito

Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco Chapter President

Phone: 51 9 5931 2377 Email: medinalovon@gmail.com

Miguel Vera Miranda

Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco Student Chapter Faculty Advisor

Phone: 51 96 175 8535 Email: mivemi_56@hotmail.com

Milton Lorenzo Rodriguez Daza

Universidad Nacional de Trujillo (UNT) Chapter President

Phone: 51 9 9236 2205
Email: mrodriquezd@unitru.edu.pe

Aderly Willy Soncco Pulcha

Universidad Nacional Del Altiplano Chapter President

Mobile: 51 9 1636 7916
Email: pulcha_aderly@hotmail.com

Mario Serafin Cuentas Alvarado

Universidad Nacional Del Altiplano Student Advisor

Phone: 51 9 8160 2840
Email: mariocuentas@yahoo.com

Yssacc Y. Aribasplata

Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos Chapter President

Phone: 51 9 8079 8332
Email: yssacc.aribasplata@unmsm.edu.pe
Website: http://iseesanmarcos.com

Alexandra Abigail Yuyali Quispe

Universidad Nacional San Cristobal de Huamanga Chapter President

Phone: 51 9 6182 3422
Email: alexandra.yuyali.unsch@gmail.com

Johnny Henrry Ccatamayo Barrios

Universidad Nacional San Cristobal de Huamanga Chapter Advisor

Phone: 51 9 6182 3422
Email: johnnyccatamayo@gmail.com

Dr. Hyong Doo (Tom) Jang

Western Australian School of Mines (WASM) Chapter Faculty Advisor

Email: hyongdoo.jang@curtin.edu.au
Website: http://scieng.curtin.edu.au/wa-school-of-mines

Siti Khadijah Yusni

Western Australian School of Mines (WASM) Chapter President

Phone: (+61) 0411 736 213
Email: s.yusni@student.curtin.edu.au