51st Annual Conference Registration is Open!
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Why advertise with ISEE?


More than one-third of ISEE members attend the annual conference; 80% of members consistently read the journal;* 67% of members consistently use the Membership Directory.* By engaging ISEE members, advertisers benefit from word of mouth marketing by networking through the ISEE community. Word of mouth marketing is the #1 way that associations recruit new members.** 

*2005 ISEE Membership Survey

**Marketing General Incorporated’s 2020 Membership Marketing Benchmarking Report 12th Edition


ISEE’s member renewal rate is higher than the average renewal rate for associations.* Advertisers can consistently reach ISEE members multiple times over multiple years.

*Marketing General Incorporated’s 2020 Membership Marketing Benchmarking Report 12th Edition


As a non-profit, ISEE is trusted to inform members of industry news, new techniques, and new products in an unbiased, non-commercial fashion. Advertisers benefit from the trust that members have in ISEE publications.


ISEE is the world’s largest professional association for explosives engineers. In no other medium can you reach the field drill and blaster at this level.

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