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Society of Explosives Engineers Education Foundation Scholarship Application/Renewal Academic Year 2025-2026

Items you need to successfully complete this application:

1. *College/High School Transcript(s) (Department Approved with GPA)
2. Work Résumé
3. Personal Challenge, Financial Need and Goal Statement
4. Two Letters of Recommendation
5. College Acceptance Letter or Course Schedule (incoming freshmen only)
Instructions and Requirements

Page 2: Students who have previously received SEE Education Foundation support must complete a scholarship application each year and include updated documents – resume, transcripts, letters of recommendation, as well as a need, goals, and challenge statement.
a) Applicant’s Information: Please complete this section with your school information or home address. Include your hometown, as some scholarships have geographic requirements or preferences.
b) College Program: Scholarship recipients must be full-time students. Include the name and address of your university, academic year, and educational objective. Also indicate any previous colleges you’ve attended, degrees attained and dates attended.

Page 3: Please list all information for your current university’s financial aid office, including contact name. List any current earnings, including any additional scholarship funding, other sources of income such as parental support, summer employment or school year jobs. List all school-related expenses and include tuition, books, fees, and education expenses. Please indicate your current employment status and include a copy of your most recent résumé. Challenges, Goals, and Financial Need: The Challenges, Goals and Financial Need Statements are required components of the Scholarship Application. These should be presented by you in writing, with one portion addressing your goals, one addressing the challenges you have faced, and another identifying financial need that any scholarship funds would fulfill. These personal narratives will be provided to the review committee to aid in evaluating the application. These components should demonstrate who you are as an applicant, what your career aspirations are, the challenges you have faced, and what you will do with the scholarship funds. The purpose of the statements is to provide the review committee a more well-rounded description of who you are as an applicant, where you hope your career will take you, and why you are applying for scholarship funding.

Page 4: Your application must include two signed letters of recommendation from people who are not family members. They should be from those who can speak to who you are as a person and as a student. These references should have knowledge of your academic ability, career aspirations, or of the challenges you have faced. One letter should be from an academic reference and one should be from a professional or career-related reference. Letters received by the SEE Education Foundation should correspond with the names listed on the application. Please indicate whether you permit the ISEE and the SEE Education Foundation to contact your college or university to verify enrollment status, financial need or to use your photograph and/or name in promotional materials. Please use the checklist provided to ensure your application is complete and received no later than May 6, 2025. Late and incomplete applications will not be considered for an award.

Page 5: Scholarship Agreement Form: SEE Education Foundation Scholarship funds are sent directly to the college or university you are attending and are to be used for tuition and related expenses. By completing this section you are agreeing to abide by the guidelines set forth by the SEE Education Foundation and should you not complete the program of education in which you were enrolled the total scholarship monies are to be returned to the Education Foundation. Please complete the Student Information section with your school address and contact information and complete the Department Information section with the contact name and information for the Department Head or main Department contact for your education program or the person to whom scholarship funds are to be sent. The Agreement Form must be received in order to obtain SEE Education Foundation Scholarship Funding.

Applicant Information
All applications will be reviewed by the SEE Education Foundation Scholarship Review Committee. Awards are based on career résumé and personal goal statement; academic potential; written communications; statement of financial need; and ability to overcome personal challenges. Please Note: Late or incomplete applications will not be considered by the Scholarship Committee. Students re-applying for SEE Education Foundation Scholarships must complete the application form each year and email including an updated work and experience résumé; financial information; current academic transcripts and letters of recommendation. Deadline to submit your completed materials: May 6, 2025.
Scholarship Application
Scholarship Application Renewal
Check the Appropriate Box (Please type/print legibly)

Some scholarships are geography based

Note: Dependents are those who rely on you for support for more than half the year.)

College Program
Your Academic Year to be Covered by Scholarship in 2025-2026 (Check One):

incoming freshmen only

Educational Degree Being Pursued (Check One):
Student Status (Check One):
Add another

* IMPORTANT: Current department-approved academic transcripts should be included with this application; documents sent separately must include the name of the applicant. Unofficial electronic transcripts are accepted.

University Financial Aid Office (the office that deposits your scholarship into your account – we do not send scholarship checks to the student or faculty advisor)
Your Financial Information

Income – Last Calendar Year (Actual/Estimated)

Earnings / Income

*(Include financial aid received or anticipated from all sources including federal / government student aid, financial aid from your school, state or provincial grants, other scholarships, tuition reimbursement, and veteran’s educational benefits).


Expenses: Expenses at the school you intend to enter
Do you intend to continue working while you are attending college (Check One)?
Current employment status (Check One):
Add another

Please include employers for the last four years with most recent first.

The Scholarship Review Committee would like to learn more about you. Your application must include a challenge narrative which describes any challenges you are facing, or have faced, in your life or the pursuit of your education or career, a goal statement which describes yourself and your career aspirations and a statement of financial need that identifies why you are pursuing this scholarship and how you will use any scholarship funds and why you are applying for this scholarship.

Must include their name, relationship to you, and phone number.

Add another

Coming from people other than family members or personal friends who have first-hand knowledge of your challenges and aspirations. One must come from an academic reference; the other must be a professional or career-related reference.

I give the college or school I attend my permission to provide the Society of Explosives Engineers Education Foundation with information about my financial aid. I give the International Society of Explosives Engineers permission to use my name and photograph to promote the Foundation and the education and scholarship program.

Please type your name below to certify I certify that all statements in this application are true and correct.

Scholarship Agreement Form

I understand that if selected for a scholarship, the award is sent directly to the financial aid office of the school indicated at the beginning of this application and not to me or my academic advisor. The scholarship is to be used exclusively for tuition and related expenses in the current academic year.

Monies not applied to tuition or associated fees and expenses in the current academic year are to be returned to the SEE Education Foundation Scholarships. Further, monies are to be returned to the SEE Education Foundation should I not complete the program of education in which I was enrolled at the time of application for an SEE Education Foundation Scholarship.

By typing your name you sign and agree to this form.

Notification of Your Department Head/Professor of Scholarship Award (Please Print/Type)

If you receive a scholarship and would like your department chair/professor to be notified, you MUST complete the information below. If this is not completed, we will not be able to contact anyone other than the Financial Aid Office representative regarding an awarded scholarship.
I have completed this application and uploaded files for the following: 1. *College/High School Transcript(s) (Department Approved with GPA) 2. Work Résumé 3. Personal Challenge, Financial Need and Goal Statement 4. Two Letters of Recommendation 5. College Acceptance Letter or Course Schedule (incoming freshmen only)