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In addition to the print version, the Journal of Explosives Engineering is distributed to ISEE members in an interactive digital version generating added value to your advertising dollars. Reach industry decision-makers directly through their inbox every other month.

Digital Edition Benefits

  • Measure: Track click-throughs and ad impressions to instantly measure your ROI.
  • Archive: The digital edition of the journal is archived in the members-only section of ISEE's website giving your ad additional and unlimited exposure.
  • Forward: Digital editions can be forwarded to friends and colleagues increasing distribution and exposure of your ad.
  • Link: Your ad is linked to your website or email giving potential and current customers instant access to more information about your products or services.


The sponsor's message is prominently displayed beside the cover.


The skyscraper ad displays the entire time the digital edition is open.

Top Banner

Your company name is displayed as a button below the toolbar, found at the top of every page of the digital edition near frequently used navigational icons. When viewers click the button, a box containing descriptive text about your company and a link to your website will appear.

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