51st Annual Conference Registration is Open!
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The ISEE Children’s Fund was established to help defray the educational expenses of a dependent of a person killed or injured as a result of an explosives event related to the manufacture, use or transport of commercially- produced explosives for commercial and professional purposes (explosives event), without regard to any fault for that explosives event. The funds are to go toward education-related expenses; which includes all levels of preschool through post secondary education. Each award will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

The ISEE Children’s Fund is poised to help anyone in need. If someone you know was injured in an explosives-related accident, or if you know someone in the industry who was killed as a result of an explosives-related accident, please consider nominating their family for support. The ISEE Children’s Fund is ready to assist.

pdf ISEE Children's Fund - Nomination of Beneficiary Form (108 KB)