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As a member, you join thousands around the globe who share a passion for the industry as we pursue ISEE's mission to enhance the safety, science, skill and benefits of explosives engineering, worldwide.
As a member, you join thousands around the globe who share a passion for the industry as we pursue ISEE's mission to enhance the safety, science, skill and benefits of explosives engineering, worldwide.
Can vote for board of directors.
Eligible for board of directors.
Special annual conference pricing.
Complimentary subscription to the Journal of Explosives Engineering.
Exclusive Access to over 140,000 research articles, technical papers and more with OneMine®.
Can vote for constitution changes.
Can vote for board of directors.
Eligible for senior board of directors positions.
Eligible for board of directors.
Complimentary subscription to the Journal of Explosives Engineering.
Exclusive Access to over 140,000 research articles, technical papers and more with OneMine®.
Special annual conference pricing.
Discounts in the ISEE Store.
Complimentary subscription to the Journal of Explosives Engineering.
Exclusive Access to over 140,000 research articles, technical papers and more with OneMine®.
Three memberships included.
Three votes for the board election.
Special annual conference pricing.
Special Membership Directory listing.
Complimentary subscription to the Journal of Explosives Engineering.
Exclusive Access to over 140,000 research articles, technical papers and more with OneMine®.
Join today and make a difference advancing ISEE's mission and
meeting others who share a passion for the explosives industry.
Expand your professional network and connect with thousands of industry leaders, government officials, and other explosives professionals around the globe. Join over 1600 explosives professionals at the ISEE 2024 Conference on Explosives & Blasting Technique in Savannah, GA! Gain access to a community of like-minded professionals including drillers and blasters, manufacturing experts, educators, and more.
Access OneMine® a valuable benefit of joining the International Society of Explosives Engineers. OneMine® is a scientific database of over 140,000 technical documents, research papers, case studies and more related to the explosives engineering industry. Stay ahead of industry advancements and best practices in explosives engineering. Whether you're a researcher, industry professional, or are passionate about the field, OneMine® is a valuable resource for enhancing your expertise. ISEE members can access OneMine by logging in here.
Members access special pricing for the ISEE Annual Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technique, the world’s largest conference on explosives engineering. Immerse yourself in cutting-edge research, connect with industry leaders, and expand your professional network. Members also enjoy discounts in our store! Access great savings while gaining valuable knowledge, expanding your network, and staying at the forefront of explosive engineering.
ISEE members receive The Boombox, Explosives Industry News directly to their inbox. The BoomBox is a monthly publication that showcases regulation news, events, member news and member contributions to our mission to enhance the safety, science, skill and benefits of explosives engineering, worldwide.
ISEE members get a free listing in the Membership Directory and Desk Reference, the most comprehensive who’s who publication in the explosives industry.
The Blasters Toolkit is an online member hub for handbooks, guides, IME Safety Library Publications and other industry tools. Browse and download checklists, formulas, forms, guides and tables developed to help the blaster-in-the-field. Members can access the blasters toolkit by logging in here.