51st Annual Conference Registration is Open!
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Categories of Entry

  1. Blasters and Drillers at Work
  2. Construction Blasting
  3. Quarrying and Mining
  4. Demolition Blasting
  5. Specialty Blasting


  • a) Individual Photo
  • b) Series of Photos (Limit of 5 photos)


Acceptable files include tif, jpg, or eps at a minimum of 300 DPI and 9x12 inches in size.

File Renaming Instructions

Please rename your files to include the category and subcategory numbers, and for sets of multiple photos, the number within the sequence.

Example 1

A single photo in JPEG format, is being submitted to the Construction Blasting category. Construction Blasting is category 2, and because this is a single photo the subcategory is a. The photo should be named as follows:


Example 2

Three photos in TIF format are being submitted as a series to the Specialty Blasting category. Because this is a series, the subcategory is b and each file should include a sequence number, as follows:
